Rambler's Top100 Животные

Show results
FIN*Kattilan Old Spots

29-30 may 2004

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots FIN*Kattilan Old Spots

"Best in Show" & "Best of Best"

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots
Best of Best

10-11 april 2004

"Best in Show"

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots
"Best in Show"

22-23 november 2003

"Best in Show"

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots,
"Best in Show"

"Best of Best" special show "siamese & oriental cats"

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots
"Best of Best"
special show "siamese & oriental cats"

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots
judge - Pascal Pobe

9 november 2003

"Best in Show"

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots,
"Best in Show"
"Best of Best" - II

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots,
judge - M. Picardello

7-8 november 2003

"7 Best" и "4 Best" Allbreed Show TICA

18-19 october 2003

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots

4-5 october 2003

"Best in Show"
"Best of Best" - II место

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots
"Best in Show" & "Best of Best" - II

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots
"Best in Show" & "Best of Best" - II

27-28 september 2003

"Best in Show" & "Best of Best"

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots,
"Best in Show" & "Best of Best" - I

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots,
"Best in Show" & "Best of Best" - I

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots,
"Best in Show" & "Best of Best" - I

20-21 september 2003

"Best in Show" & "Best of Best" - II

FIN*Kattilan Old Spots,
"Best in Show"
"Best of Best" - II

6-7 september 2003


FIN*Kattilan Old Spots,
"Nom Bis"

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